Friday, December 28, 2007

How to earn money by buying automated websites.

Of course everything is free on the internett if you spend enough time searching for answers and doing some research, and of course it helps in a way if you can some basic HTML editing.

But there are also way too pay small amount of money for something that allready exists on the marked, and in a way i agree with many of those who offer that kind of packages, is it really necessery to re-invent the wheel again. Instead of working your ass of for several hours or days (like me) on something your can buy for a small sum of money and having it up and running in 15-30 minutes?

I have tried different services, and yes all together the totall cost was over 2000$, and i only found out 2-3 services that are cost effective and easy to set up. After you buy such a package you must have a place to put it, a web hosting services cost arond 10$ to 40$ a year, some of the products i tested even offer 12 month free service, all you have to pay for is the name registration. And of course you will NOT make money first days, cause is it just like in real life unless people don't know of the store, the don't go there to buy stuff. For that you need, you probably guessed it allready, advertising. There are different ways to advertise, you can buy advertisement like Google Adwords (lint under the article) og you can visit other services. Most of the packages i'm going to mention further down this article offer some sort of help og links too other ad-services that you can use to speed up traffic to your site.

First off is the one i like most, it's called BANS or Build a Niche Store. BANS is a website builder which enables you to create a network of traffic pulling, money making niche websites focused around the eBay affiliate opportunity. You can build a webstore on a "niche" produkt from templates offered by BANS, link it to product on eBay, and start earning money of commission eBay offers you.

Second is also easy, it's called Article Directory Pro og i will call it ADR here. ADR lets you run a site that solicits articles from people, post them, and ads Google ads on every single one of those article pages. Or you can use other ads service, not just Google. But it is not an easy program to use, not for me at least.

Third is the one i keep using is called AdSense Ready. AdSense Ready is damn easy it even gives you a 12 months free hosting. What AdSense Ready does, is sell you other 150 Content Rich Web Sites, with RSS feeds and Google Ads (you just replace AdSense Ready id with yours id. 3 minutes work and i had 6 sites up and running, 2 days later 4 of those sites where in page 2 or 3 than i googled them. 2 weeks after setup i earned 102$, i know it is not much, but after i set them up, i actually did't do anything with them. Now after 2 months i have earned 1377$. And that is just thru Google Ads. Think how you you can earn by using some other ad service or thru affiliate program (i will write an article later about that).

Thing that is equal for all those services is that you have to either activly promote those pages, or you pay somebody to do it.

Here are some links you can use:

AdSense Ready
Build A Niche Store
Article Directory Pro

And my othe blogs that may be usefull:

Make Quick Money On-Line
Earn Money Taking Pictures

Hope this have been helpfull!!!

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